Nourish Botanica is a shop, garden & cafe (forthcoming) social space encouraging connection through plants, flowers, coffee, tea & wellness. Nourish Botanica is a space for wellness and gatherings that support the local agriculture and art ecosystems. We believe it’s important that we create spaces for ATL to gather together and heal in greenspace. Our mission is to create a gathering space for our community to assemble with sustainable green entertaining and storytelling through art and botanicals.

Gathering spaces have always been critically important in social movements that have resulted in systemic change.

Our passion is in creating gathering spaces for our community, supported by plants and flowers. It’s our goal and intention to seed storytelling into the fabric of Nourish Botanica from inception to fulfillment. As a for profit social enterprise, our organization is deeply rooted in mutual aid. Our 8 year history with our initiative #ChopItUpATL, a storytelling dinner series, focused on highlighting and raising funds for food justice warriors around Atlanta. We support fair wages and livable wages for all shop employees, bartenders and baristas. 

Nourish Botanica is committed to excellence through diversity and building authentic and lasting solidarity among the BIPOC community, in order to undo anti-Blackness, Native invisibility, dismantle white supremacy and advance racial justice. We welcome all folks from the BIPOC Community, however, emphasis is placed on Black candidates in the South Atlanta, 30315 district with proactive experience grounded in food justice, agriculture, and art.