Celosia and Rose Dried Bouquet


I think I love her, even with a checkered past. This pink checker wrapped bouquet contains dried celosia, roses and more. She’s fluffy and tissue wrapped with love.

Preorder now for Valentine’s Day! Pickup anytime between Wednesday and Sunday 12-6p! Each bouquet is handcrafted and has its own unique identity made with love!

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I think I love her, even with a checkered past. This pink checker wrapped bouquet contains dried celosia, roses and more. She’s fluffy and tissue wrapped with love.

Preorder now for Valentine’s Day! Pickup anytime between Wednesday and Sunday 12-6p! Each bouquet is handcrafted and has its own unique identity made with love!

I think I love her, even with a checkered past. This pink checker wrapped bouquet contains dried celosia, roses and more. She’s fluffy and tissue wrapped with love.

Preorder now for Valentine’s Day! Pickup anytime between Wednesday and Sunday 12-6p! Each bouquet is handcrafted and has its own unique identity made with love!

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