Cinnamon Dried Flower Arrangement


This is a medium bouquet that's 16 Inches tall! The bouquet includes bellcups, lagurus and a pumpkin colored sun palm. It will last for up to a year! Pick up in Decatur or delivery within 5 miles of East Atlanta or at one of our popups!

All the bouquets are handmade by me so I hope you will enjoy the flowers!


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This is a medium bouquet that's 16 Inches tall! The bouquet includes bellcups, lagurus and a pumpkin colored sun palm. It will last for up to a year! Pick up in Decatur or delivery within 5 miles of East Atlanta or at one of our popups!

All the bouquets are handmade by me so I hope you will enjoy the flowers!


This is a medium bouquet that's 16 Inches tall! The bouquet includes bellcups, lagurus and a pumpkin colored sun palm. It will last for up to a year! Pick up in Decatur or delivery within 5 miles of East Atlanta or at one of our popups!

All the bouquets are handmade by me so I hope you will enjoy the flowers!


Natural and Pink Dried Flowers
Cream Monochrome Dried Arrangement
Orange Monochrome Dried Arrangement
Fall Wild Fire Vase Arrangement
Dried Disco Potted Bouquet